Eco-Friendly WoodTones Earbuds by Griffin

Very innovative and very much eco-friendly, this can be nothing than a Griffin Technology product- the WoodTones Earbuds will give you a feeling of going closer and doing better for the nature and its ecosystem. However, this concept of the wooden earbuds made of the wood that are mostly left-over is taken not only to do good to the eco-system but to your ears and the listening experiences as well. It is the use of the wood and the designing of housings for the earbuds’ microdrivers that enable them to deliver superb sound quality.

The vocals and bass and the volume of the sound created by the device gets brilliantly accentuated by the wooden earbuds. As for better acoustic qualities 8 mm neodymium drivers are fixed in the buds there can be no doubt on its sound quality. Similarly, for the comfort of your ears, the buds are designed to be pretty light and soft with the additions of silicone ear cushions. This relieves you from fatigue or ear pain due to long hours of earphone use.

Made of throw-able woods that would otherwise be burned down and so finely satin polished, the WoodTones Earbuds are a simple instance of the perfectionist thought of the Griffin Technology. You can go for such lovely and worth wearing earbuds right today for a cost of $29.99 only available at

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